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'You have the power to change America': Parkland students interview Bern...

Rebecca Schneid and Dara Rosen, two student journalists from the Florida high school where 17 people were shot dead, interview the Vermont senator Bernie Sanders and ask him whether he thinks Donald Trump has the courage to take on the NRA. Students from the the Eagle Eye, Stoneman Douglas high school’s newspaper, are guest-editing the Guardian's US site before a protest against gun violence on Saturday 

'You have the power to change America': Parkland students interview Bern , florida school shooting, parkland school shooting, parkland students take over the guardian, us, gdnpfpnewsus, us news, usa news, usa, world, gdnpfpnewsworld, world news, florida, parkland, Rebecca Schneid, Dara Rosen, eagle eye, bernie sanders, bernie, feel the bern, parkland students guest edit the guardian, the guardian, guardian guest edit, school shootings, shootings, gun, guns, gun violence, school gun violence

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